Free xml sitemap generator 零壹數位監控專家: Aimetis Symphony at Munich Airport

2012年4月3日 星期二

Aimetis Symphony at Munich Airport

零壹科技為 Aimetis 台灣區總代理, Aimetis 相關產品資訊請洽零壹科技官方網站
黃先生:  (02)2656-5694

1 則留言:

  1. Are there security cameras in residential areas?
    If I wanted to look through the security cameras in my neighbourhood to see if myself and a friend could identify an individual then get his number plate would this be possible if we asked the police? Th only thing I haven't seen any security cameras around where live. It is pretty quiet. Are there any secret cameras or ones hidden in the street lights. Is it worth asking the police?

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